Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-hour Blush |
If you are from the USA you have no idea how desperate we are when it comes to TARTE Products. TARTE TARTE TARTE when will you be available in the UK at a reasonable price?
Thankfully, I established an online shop in Hong Kong which helps beauty fanatics to purchase unavailable beauty products from oversea, mainly the UK and America. Oh well I must admit that I'm helping myself out as well by finding others to share the ridiculous shipping fee with me. Can you believe that the shop received over 100 orders for TARTE products only? TARTE TARTE TARTE do something about it!
Anyway, I couldn't help myself to buy 4 shades of the Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-hour Blush without even trying the texture. I've never been let down by the beauty youtuber community and I trust them 100%. Guess what? I made the absoulute right decision....
Swatches: Tipsy, Blissful, Natural Beauty, Dollface |
First of all, Tarte Blushes are definitely worth all the hype - the most pigmented blushes I've ever used! A *tiny winy little* bit is required for each application. It stays on perfectly through out the day and is absolutely waterproof. How can I be sure? I forgot to use a makeup remover to wash off the swatches and after a scrubby shower, they won the battle.
Natural Beauty
On first sight, I immediately fell in love with Natural Beauty. It's suuuchhhhh a unique, refreshing and beautiful colour. I am astonished by the fact that very few companies decide to include this colour, or similar ones, in their blush line.
It is the perfect colour if you want that, quoting essiebutton, snow white look. I find that if the amount used is **just right**, it creates a naturally flushed effect.
Dollface |
I was extremely torn when deciding whether or not Dollface is worth buying. It is the most hyped up colour and there are many reviews saying that it is an everyday pink colour. Everyone loves a good everyday blush and its no exception for me. However, there are way too many lovely everyday pink blushes waiting for me to bring them to life in my makeup stash and I was just not sure if adding one more to the queue is a good decision.
The Shopaholic me won and I did buy it. I was scared at first because it looks sooooo purple under sunlight. Dollface is very possibly the most blue-toned blush I've ever owned, which is awesome as it means it is not just a duplicate of all the other everyday pink that I own.
Tipsy |
Ohh Tipsy. Anybody else agree that it is such a cute name? Well, not just the name, I adore the colour too. Because it is such an intense colour , it will probably be used the least out of these four. But who says makeup has to be used? Looking at it only makes me feel satisfied~~~ (I know I sound creepy)
Anyway, this true orangey coral is perfect for a coral red lip day. Do you agree?
Blissful |
Blissful is my absolute favourite. If I were to have an affair with Tarte blushes I would choose Natural Beauty. To have a serious relationship with? Blissful all the way.
Tarte says it is a warm peach, but I feel that a warm peachy pink is a more accurate and suitable description. The balance between peach and pink is just right* and it looks very very very natural yet flattering on my pale skin. If you are new to Tarte Blushes I would suggest trying this one out. I promise you will get a lot of wear out of this because I have a feeling it will become a staple in my makeup bag.
Which one is your favourite, judging from the pictures and swatches?
Let me know!
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