Maxfactor First Impression初評 : Lovely Pink, Star Dust Pink, Pink'ed

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

MAXFACTOR Creme Puff Blush - Lovely Pink

MAXFACTOR Lipstick - Star Dust Pink

MAXFACTOR Glossfinity -Pink'ed

MAXFACTOR Creme Puff Blush - Lovely Pink

I've heard so many rave reviews lately about this baked blush from Maxfactor and you know, it is very hard to resist what many others recommend... However, I have to say I am quite disappointed this time. The Blush itself is very pigmented, creamy and has a literally lovely pink-with-a-hint-of-peach colour. The only but very critical thing that bothers me a great deal is the shimmers. When you put it on your cheeks the shimmers are just way too visible for my taste. It reminded of me how I had resisted baked blushes before. I'm not impressed!

最近聽了超級無敵多這款Baked Blush的好評,然後..你知道的,很多人推薦的東西總是很難忍住不買的。但是!這一次我必須說挺失望的哦。它很顯色,質地很柔滑,而且顏色是哪種很'lovely'的桃色粉,但唯一但卻很重要的一點是 -閃粉。當我擦上臉的時候,對我而言閃粉實在是太明顯了...他讓我想起了我以前有多麼討厭Baked Blush...失望哦!

MAXFACTOR Lipstick - Star Dust Pink

This is an interesting one - I put it on and immediately hate it because it has too much purple/grey in it that makes you look sick. I do not think there is a skin tone that it would suit. I know its a very strong statement but I just... don't. However, when I applied it on my cheeks as a blush it looked amazing! It appeared as if the colour had changed completely and looked very flattering. I would strongly suggest trying this on out before you decide to put it in your basket.


MAXFACTOR Glossfinity -Pink'ed

I adore the name Pink'ed so mooooch but I have to say it is not a pink to me at all! It is not the 'White Gold or Blue Black Dress?' Phenomenon type of 'Pink or Peach?' dilemma but still, it is a vague colour. At first sight I though it was a pink but then I realised that is is definitely more on the peach side of spectrum. I would describe it as a peach with a ever so slightly hint of pink. I tend not to go for this type of colour (this was included in a gift set) as I find it hard to pull off if you do not have perfect nails but I would give it a go one day and see if it is truly glossy.


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